This statement is not only related to how fast the data is available, but also how fast the data can be understood. As the leading portal in presenting trusted data in Indonesia, the Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) website provides complete data that covers various areas, subjects, and domains.

However, the visualization of these data seems to be lagging. These data are presented in the form of tables and static graphs that are monotonous and the lack of interactivity discourages users from exploring the data more. To tackle this gap, we developed liteRate which is an interactive web-based visualization/exploration tool that is based on the Shiny R. Fix filenames of files uploaded via fileInput() ( code). Shiny app with sequence of pages ( code). Toggle a UI element (alternate between show/hide) with a button ( code).
Shiny runjs jquery example how to#
LiteRate aims to improve the public’s ability to understand the online data of the BPS’ by utilizing web scraping and headless browsers to produce ready-to-visualize data frames. Shiny runjs jquery example how to Send a message from R to JavaScript ( code). Effective visualization techniques will empower users to quickly gain insight, see patterns, correlation, outliers, and view statistics across topics and areas. LiteRate hopes to increase statistical literacy in Indonesia as BPS continues to generate statistics that leave no one behind. You can also define and call your own JavaScript function using shinyjs package with the use of runjs function inside server( ). Wir alle benötigen ein grundlegendes Verständnis von Statistik, um mit der wachsenden Menge an verfügbaren statistischen Daten, Analysen und Ergebnissen, die uns täglich begegnen, umgehen zu können. Auf dieser Basis können Entscheidungen fundiert getroffen und Fehlschlüsse reduziert werden.

Der Arbeitsmarkt gehört zu den Themenfeldern, die für viele Menschen wichtig und in ihrem Alltag präsent.